The Eureka Cluster for Low Carbon Technologies solutions
Call28 06 Jan- 24 Apr 2025
Past Calls and Events:
Call27 02 Sept- 15 Nov 2024
Eurogia PO Day in Paris 30th September
Eurogia CALL26 (Apr-June 2024)
Eurogia CALL25 (Jan – Mar 2024)
PO Day in London Feb 2024
The Eureka Cluster for Low Carbon Technologies solutions
The Eurogia2030 programme intent is to address issues in the Energy market in order to develop the Eurogia2030 5Ds Strategy:
Eurogia2030 aims to boost the productivity, competitiveness and environmental sensitivity of the EurekaNetwork countries. Through innovative technologies and energy solutions, Eurogia2030 improves the Low Carbon Energy market for a sustainable future.
Every Year the Eurogia programme organises TWO Calls for innovative projects.
Spring Call:
- Launch – early January
- Deadline – last Thursday of April
- Evaluation process – May/June
Autumn Call:
- Launch – early July
- Deadline – last Thursday of October
- Evaluation process – November/December

Possible Application areas for the
Eurogia Calls
Eurogia Calls
- Offshore Wind turbines, bioenergy, solar panels, fuel cells power to-X, energy storage
- Hydrogen Economy (Fuell Cells, production, storage, station)
- CO2 Capture, Sequestration and Utilization
- Green and Zero-emission Buildings, Smart cities, heating
- IT solutions in buildings, smart monitoring, 3D construction, digital twins in housing design
- AI, IoT, Bigdata, 5G/6G integrated solutions in cities
- Smart Grids, Micro-Grid, E-mobility
- Monitoring of the environment and bio resources
- Drone and satellite monitoring systems of land, rivers, sea Industrial robots, sensors, edge cloud computing, Raman Mass spectrometry, AI, big data
- … and many more.
Time to invest in the Eurogia2030 programme!
Eurogia2030 is on the front line in the Energy field to achieve carbon neutrality goals. Through Low Carbon Technologies R&D solutions Eurogia aims to contribute for a sustainable environment, for the reduction of climate change and for a sustainable growth. Some of the targeted challenges to achieve these goals are necessary, but not limited to:
- Carbon-free energy supply,
- Green mobility and Smart cities,
- Smarter housings and constructions,
- Bio resources and environment.
The technologies necessary to tackle these challenges are rapidly developing within a giant market and an ever growing societal concern. In-depth knowledge and leadership in developing and applying them is an essential requirement, if industry is to maintain its leadership in multiple application areas, or take advantage of new opportunities.
The Eurogia Calls are specifically designed to stimulate activity in this important area, through the creation of trans-national collaborative projects in applications that will support economic growth and benefit society as a whole.
Participants are invited to submit applied research and innovation project proposals within the Eurogia scope: eurogia2030-technology-roadmap-annex-to-the-map-final
The blue table shows a non-exclusive list of possible application areas for this Call but other relevant topics are also welcome.
Among the relevant enabling technologies, digitalization, IOT, AI, blockchains, cyber-security , communication, 5G/6G, drones, sensors, new materials, asset management, recycling, etc. are also expected to play an important role.
All EUREKA countries are invited to support this Call and/or individual proposals. However, project partners from other EUREKA countries, or countries outside of EUREKA, must secure their national funding within the deadlines for the Call to participate.
In all cases, it is strongly recommended that potential project partners contact their supporting Public Authority to check their eligibility for support under this Call. Funding eligibility rules per country will be the same as those used currently by these countries for the evaluation of EUREKA Cluster proposals.