Supporting Countries

EUROGIA2030 is officially supported by:

More info on National Programme Bodies Non-supporting Eurogia:

FFG – Austrian Research Promotion Agency


Open budget

Specific National rules

Eureka Cluster projects can be submitted for funding to the General Programme (Basisprogramm) of FFG which provides the Eureka Clusters funding scheme illustrated below.

The deadline for the national application is at least three months before the national cut-off date preceding the project start (

Project applications must be submitted online via FFG ecall:

Joining a project on self-funded basis or mapping other funding programmes, e.g., is possible. In any of these cases you are required to contact the Eureka NPC at FFG

Eligible costs and funding rates

In addition to the Eureka application, the Austrian participant has to submit a separate national full project proposal to the General Programme (Basisprogramm) of the FFG via eCall. All companies registered in Austria are eligible for funding, universities and research centers can be funded as subcontractors only. The evaluation of the Austrian project part is carried out by internal experts at FFG. The project must fulfil the national criteria. There is no dedicated budget for this call.

Funding in Austria is provided on an annual basis only, therefore follow-on applications must be submitted for the max. duration of 3 years.

General Programme provides grants for Austrian SMEs participating in Eureka Cluster projects:

  • Up to 60% of the eligible costs for small companies
  • Up to 50% of the eligible costs for medium-sized companies

The funding provided by General Programme for large companies from Austria participating in Eureka Cluster projects consists of a grant and loan part of in total up to 50% of the eligible costs.

Additional documents required

Full national Basisprogramm project proposal

Contact person

Dr Michael Walch,  EUREKA NCP,                     michael.walch(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)                               Tel: +43 57755-4901

La Recherche en Wallonie

On top of the EUREKA funding rules :
  • The research budget of the Walloon partner company(ies) must correspond to at least 40% of the total budget of all Walloon partners;
  • Subcontracting by universities or research centres must not exceed 20% of their individual research budget.
The funding is provided in the form of a grant with a funding rate ranging from 40 to 100% of the budget of each Walloon partner depending on the type of partner and the qualification of the research (industrial research or experimental development).
The deadline of submission on the Walloon ONTIME submission platform is aligned with the deadlines of all international calls.  Projects who fail to do so will be declared ineligible.
It is highly advised that potential Walloon applicants contact SPW EER before submitting a proposal.
The contact persons are :
Mr. Fabrice Quertain, Senior Policy Officer
Fabrice.quertain(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign) (+32 81 33 45 68)
Mrs. Julie Jasmes, Senior Policy Officer
Julie.jasmes(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign) (+32 81 33 45 45)



Mr Peter Bandas  Peter.Bandas(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)

Ms Marie Szaszkiewicz Marie.Szaszkiewicz(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)


Ms Carolina Gonzalez Isla

carolina.gonzalez(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)

Contact: Ila Araburic

ira.alaburic(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)

MEYS – Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic

Contact: Musilova Klara

Klara.Musilova(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)


According to the rules/regulations:
  • The main beneficiary of the project is a small, middle or large company
  • Universities/Research organisation can only act  as a project partner
  • The financial limits are 3mil CZK/project/year or 4mil CZK/project/year in a case of several Czech project partners
  • eligible applicant must have a regsitered R&D activity
  • National support is:
    • Small enterprise – up to 80%
    • Middle enterprise – up to 75%
    • Large enterprise – up to 65%
    • University/Research organisation – 100%


More Info here


Ms Stine Holm
Innovation Fund Denmark

Europaplads 2
DK-8000 Aarhus C


e-mail: stine.holm(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)



Ms Camille Tang Taye

Mr Christian Dubarry

Please use the following email address to contact Bpifrance in the context of Eureka clusters: clusters-eureka(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign);

German Eureka office
+49 228 3821-1352
eureka(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign) 

ZIM – Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand

*Funding Possibilities ONLY for SMEs and RTOs

Contact: Mr Georg Nagel

zim-international(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign);

All information regarding ZIM (in German only) can be found under:
A short English summary on ZIM is linked here:
All German applicant should be familiar with the ZIM guidelines, linked here:
All German applicants are encouraged  to use our “free of charge” pre-consultation service via the ZIM project sketch (Projektskizze) and to use the right formulas, all linked here:

National Research, Development and Innovation Office

NRDI Office – Hungary (preliminary information)

The goal of the call to be financed from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund is to support Hungarian participation in the EUREKA programme set up to facilitate the involvement of entrepreneurs – in particular small- and medium-sized enterprises – in international research and development cooperation and through this programme:


  • to increase the marketability of Hungarian businesses,
  • enhance Hungarian participation at the international level;
  • stimulate R&D cooperation between researchers and businesses by supporting innovative near-market projects resulting in the development of a prototype, new product, technology or service;
  • promote the domestic utilisation of participation in international R&D projects.

Submission of project proposals

Project proposals should be submitted online, by logging in and completing the online application form on the Participant Portal (Pályázati e-ügyintézés) at The finalised application form must be submitted together with a duly signed (certified) statement verifying the electronic submission of the application, in line with the Application Guidelines.

Applications are accepted electronically from the official opening of the online application form until the following dates:

  • 27 May 2022
  • 30 June 2022 Only for Hungarian applicants participating in the Danube 2022 Central Europe Call.
  • 30 September 2022 Only for Hungarian applicants participating in the Eureka Clusters Sustainability Call.
  • 27 October 2022 16:00

Eligible applicants

The domestic call is only open to the partners/consortium leaders of EUREKA project proposals or approved projects submitted in English by the international consortium and entered into the database of the EUREKA Secretariat or the register of the EUREKA clusters, and approved by the Hungarian EUREKA National Project Coordinator. Hungarian partners participating in the same international EUREKA project shall apply for the Hungarian funding by forming a consortium.
Legal entities with registered seat in Hungary or with registered seat in the European Economic Area and a branch office in Hungary may apply as specified below:

  • business companies, non-profit companies and other economic organisations specified in the call, provided that they have at least one completed business years, maintain double-entry accounting and are not subject to the small taxpayers’ itemized lump sum tax (KATA)
  • denominational or private higher education institutions accredited by the state, qualifying as research and knowledge-dissemination organisations under Article 2 (83) of Council Regulation 651/2014/EU
  • budgetary organs and budgetary entities, qualifying as research and knowledge-dissemination organisations under Article 2 (83) of Council Regulation 651/2014/EU.

Eligible project objectives

  • activities eligible for individual funding: applied (industrial) research, experimental development
  • activities not eligible for individual funding: activities related to the publicity, coordination, market access, intellectual property rights, travelling, and the purchase of tangible and intangible assets

The budget

  • The budget for the general EUREKA is HUF 500 million

Maximum funding per application

  • For general EUREKA the maximum amount of funding per project: HUF 20 to 70 million


Additional documents required

Detailed information will be available on the NRDI Office public website:

Contact person


E-mail: laszlo.kun(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)


David Flood

Senior Executive, R&I Internationalisation

Enterprise Ireland

David.Flood(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)

T: +353 1 727 2487

Innovation Israel

Contact: Ms Neta Gruber

neta.gruber(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)

Uzi.BarSadeh(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)


Dr. Justina Rukšnaite of the Research Council of Lithuania

justina.ruksnaite(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)


Budget: Open budget

National eligibility criteria:

  • Undertaking in difficulty: “Undertakings that are subject to an outstanding recovery order following a previous Commission decision declaring an aid illegal and incompatible with the internal market (article 1(4) of the European Regulation 651/2014), as well as undertakings that can be qualified as undertakings in difficulty (Article 2 (18) of Regulation 651/2014), are excluded from receiving aid.
  • Innovation: Applicants should aim at developing competitive advantages on their market and explain the innovation with respect to the state of the art.
  • Economic impact: Applicants have to explain the expected return on investment if the project is successful.
  • Financial capacity: Applicants need to demonstrate the availability of funds to launch their projects and ensure the liquidity over the project duration and the existence of means to exploit the project results and bring them to the market.
  • Incentive effect: No aid can be granted if the project can be carried out in the same way without aid.
  • Scheme specific criteria also apply

Funding rules:

Type of activitiesSmall enterpriseMedium-sized enterpriseLarge enterprise
Experimental development+ max 15%  in case of an effective collaboration (with a maximum of 80%)≤ 45 %≤ 35  %≤ 25 %
Industrial research≤ 70 %≤ 60 %≤ 50 %

Contact Person:

Luxinnovation: 5, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux, L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette

Contact Person

Mr. Alexander Link, Advisor – Corporate R&D and Innovation Support
Phone: +352 43 62 63 – 864
Email: (at)

Ms Elisabeth Frisch,

elisabeth.frisch(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)


Contact: Andrzej Wajs

andrzey.wajs(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)

Contact: Agnieszka Ratajczak

Agnieszka.Ratajczak(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)

ANI – Agência Nacional de Inovaçao, S.A.

General funding framework:

Portuguese entities participating in project applications that have been awarded the Eureka Label will be eligible to apply to a national call for funding under SIID – Internacionalização de I&D “Operações de I&D Industrial à Escala Europeia, in the framework of Portugal 2030, the multiannual funding framework programme.

All Information about the national funding programme is available at:


Maximum project duration: 36 months (except in duly justified cases)


Important reference documents:

Regulamento Específico da área temática Inovação e Transição Digital (REITD), which stipulates the framework and general funding rates for applied R&D projects in Portugal under PT2030.

Aviso: SIID – Internacionalização de I&D “Operações de I&D Industrial à Escala Europeia, which stipulates the funding conditions for Portuguese entities participating in Eureka Projects that were approved or awarded with an Eureka label under the Eureka Network Programmes.


General eligibility conditions:

  • The national consortium must integrate at least one SME or Small Mid-Cap enterprise.
  • When applying in partnership with Portuguese R&D organisations, the Portuguese company(ies) should assume the largest share of the investment.
  • The project must fall within the priority areas of the national or regional Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization (RIS3).


Eligible participants:

  • SMEs and Small Mid-Cap[1] enterprises
  • Universities, research centres and other non-entrepreneurial entities for the research and innovation system (ENESII) from Continental Portugal (Norte, Centro, Lisboa, Alentejo and Algarve) and from the Azores and Madeira Autonomous Regions (when in partnership with the enterprises).


  • Large companies are NOT eligible for funding.


Mandatory “Financial autonomy ratios”:

The Portuguese companies need to comply with the following financial autonomy ratios:

  • For SMEs and Small Mid-Cap enterprises: 15% financial autonomy ratio.
  • Companies that have been active for less than one year at the date of the application: they must demonstrate the capacity to finance the project with equity, equal to or greater than 20% of eligible costs.


Form of public funding

  • For companies and non-entrepreneurial entities: grant

Co-Funding rates:

  • For SME and Small Mid-cap: up to 80% of project costs (depending on company size and other funding bonuses you can apply to)
  • For Universities and research organisations: 85% of project costs for universities or research organisations, provided that such cooperation does not involve indirect State Aid for beneficiary companies.

Important: For investments located in NUT II Lisboa, the maximum funding rate is 40% of eligible costs.

The exact funding percentage depends on the company’s size, national consortium collaboration, the wide dissemination of project results and whether your project activities fall into the category of industrial research or experimental development.

Eligible costs:

R&D direct costs that fall into the category of industrial research or experimental development, including:

  • Personnel costs (including research scholarships and the hiring of new staff – only technical profiles)
  • Raw Materials,
  • Consumables and Components,
  • Sucontracting,
  • Equipments
  • Software and Hardware,
  • Dissemination of project results,
  • Travel and accommodation abroad

Overheads: 7% flat rate applied over all direct eligible costs (incl. subcontracting).

More info: Please contact the Portuguese Eureka Team:

Rita Silva: rita.silva(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign) / +351 939 339 003 or Polina Pereira: polina.pereira(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign) / +351 912 425 772

[1] Small mid-cap enterprise designation: “Small mid-cap enterprise” means a company that does not meet the SME criteria and whose number of employees does not exceed 499, whose annual turnover does not exceed 100 million euros or whose annual balance sheet does not exceed 86 million euros, as provided for in point 103-E of Article 2 of Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 of 17 June, as amended;


[1] Small mid-cap enterprise designation: “Small mid-cap enterprise” means a company that does not meet the SME criteria and whose number of employees does not exceed 499, whose annual turnover does not exceed 100 million euros or whose annual balance sheet does not exceed 86 million euros, as provided for in point 103-E of Article 2 of Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 of 17 June, as amended;


Mr Zi Yan KOE

Koe_Zi_Yan(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)


Budget: Open Budget

Specific National rules

Funding from the call is open to working researchers residing in South Africa and affiliated with a recognised higher education or research institution such as a university, university of technology or science council, small, medium (SMEs) and large enterprises in the private sector and national system of innovation organisations involved in R&D.

It is “obligatory” for South African lead researcher/principal investigator (PI)s based at historically advantaged institutions, SMEs and large companies to include, as part of the research team, a research partner from any of the historically disadvantaged institutions. Proposals submitted by an applicant based at a historically advantaged institution without a research partner from a historically disadvantaged institution will be ineligible. The research partner from the historically disadvantaged institution in this case can serve as a co-applicant in the proposal.

Eligible costs and funding rates

South African applicants wishing to receive funding from the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) need to submit a national application, including a detailed project plan and budget. Each project will go through a financial negotiation process with the national funding body, to finalise the exact percentage funding. The funding will be transferred in tranches in accordance with the project duration. Co- funding between the SA participants and the DSI to be as follows:

  • SMEs- up to 75%
  • Large companies- up to 50%

Universities and science councils – up to 90%

Additional documents required

To be considered for national funding the applicant will be required to complete a National Funding application form within 7 working days after closing of the. The application can be obtained at the following website:

All completed national funding applications must be sent to contact(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)

All successful applicants will be required to confirm in writing their co- investment in the project prior the disbursement of any national project funds.

Contact persons

Mr. Toto Matshediso

Tel: +2712 843 6339/ +27609654077

Email: Toto.matshediso(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign), contact(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)

Ms Ntombi Mchuba

Tel : +2712 843 6370 / +27609746773

Email: Ntombi.mchuba(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)

KIAT – Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology

Specific National rules

Funding is eligible for the industrial research and/or technological development activities of Korean companies, universities and research institutes.

Company (private enterprise) which has been operating for at least one year based on the date indicated on the Business Registration Certificate, and which has obtained the ‘corporate R&D center accreditation’ from KOITA (Korea Industrial Technology Association) must be included in the Korean consortium.

Eligible costs and funding rates

Project funding is comprised of government contributions and civilian dues.(cash and in-kind).

The amount of government contributions will vary depending on the type of funding beneficiaries and project in accordance with Article 24

(Funding criteria) and Article 25 (Civilian dues) of the Common Operational Regulations for the Industrial Technology Innovation Programs in Korea.


The government funding rates and civilian dues by the funding beneficiaries as follow;

ClassificationShare of government


Minimum required share of Cash from the civilian dues
Large companyUp to 33%At least 60%
Mid-tier companyUp to 50%At least 50%
SMEUp to 67%At least 40%
Other (non-profit)Up to 100%Only if necessary

* Company classification is followed by the relevant Korean Law

Additional documents required

The Korean consortium should submit its national application form until (ask for the exact date) on the K-PASS system (online). National submission on the K -PASS system is mandatory for the project to get public funding.

Contact persons

Mr.Youngji TAK     yjtak(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign) 

europe1(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)

Innosuisse – Swiss Innovation Agency

ATTENTION: Innosuisse does not support the Eurogia programme in 2025

Exception: FPP Labelled in 2024 can apply for Funding in 2025.


Innosuisse funding criteria

Swiss funding conditions for projects applying to Innosuisse from 1.1.2024 onward:
A Swiss research partner collaborating in a consortium must involve a Swiss company (SME or large company).
A Swiss company (SME or large company) collaborating in a consortium must include a research partner.
The research partner can be either from Switzerland or a partner country.
A Swiss start-up* participating as the sole Swiss partner in an international consortium is eligible.

Innosuisse covers a maximum of 70% of the total project costs of the Swiss participants.
Direct project funding:
  • Start-ups* and SMEs up to 50%
  • Large companies up to 25%
  • Swiss research partners up to 100%
Eureka Clusters (
For more information contact Ms Colette John-Grant  colette.john(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)

TUBITAK – The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey

Budget: Open budget

Funding rules

  1. All companies which were established in accordance with Turkish law (stock corporation) can directly apply for funding for their international projects. Universities and research organizations cannot directly be funded by TUBITAK but they can participate in as subcontractors.
  2. Companies receive certain percentage of their eligible costs as a grant in this call. There is no maximum or minimum limit to the budget of project. The percentage is 60% for large companies and 75% for SMEs.


For further details please visit the National Programme link below that provides all needed information:

Contact Person:

Ms Sukran Alpdemir                 Mail: sukran.alpdemir(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)

T +903122981781

UKRI – UK Research and Innovation

Innovate UK has always been an active member of Eureka and we see participation in the funding streams, that Eureka provides, as a valuable tool to help UK organisations scale up their approach to international collaboration.

The theme of Global Opportunities is one of our key themes set out in our Plan for Action and is all about inspiring, involving and investing. Our plan also ties in with the UK’s Innovation Strategy as set out by the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

Your project

  • UK applicants can apply for total grant of up to £500,000 for each project.
  • All types of UK registered organisations can apply for funding.
  • Your project can:
  • Earliest start by – to be confirmed
  • Expected duration 12 – 36 months
  • Your project must be collaborative.
  • If your project’s duration falls outside of our eligibility criteria, you must provide justification by email to support(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)innovateuk.ukri.orgat least 10 working days before the competition closes. We will decide whether to approve your request.
  • Further guidance


We have allocated up to £5,000,000 to fund innovation projects in this call.

For industrial research projects, you could get funding for your eligible project costs of:

  • up to 70% if you are a small enterprise
  • up to 60% if you are a medium enterprise
  • up to 50% if you are a large enterprise
  • UK registered research organisationsin your consortium can share up to 30% of the UK total eligible project costs. If your consortium contains more than one UK research organisation, this maximum will be shared between them.

Of that 30% you could get funding for your eligible project costs of up to:

80% of full economic costs (FEC) if you are a Je-s registered institution such as an academic

Ben Morris

Eureka Programme Manager

ben.morris(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)

Teresa.Arumardi(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)


The indications here of national support for project participants in this  Eurogia Call are based on the participants qualifying for such support under their respective national research support programs. In all cases, it is the responsibility of the submitting project team to contact the Public Authority representatives of the countries that they wish to involve, to ensure that the option of funding is available. It is strongly recommended that potential project partners contact their supporting Public Authority to check their eligibility for support under this call.

EUREKA Funding is based on National funding policies and arrangements and, as such, is subject to National terms and conditions. It is required that each project participant will submit an application for support in line with National funding processes immediately after, or in parallel with, their project proposal submission.

Project partners from other EUREKA countries not listed here, or countries outside of EUREKA, must secure their national funding within the deadlines for the call to participate.

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