Building Machine Learning Models for Forecasting of Electricity Demand, Consumption & Generation

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Expertise Short Title
Building Machine Learning Models for Forecasting of Electricity Demand, Consumption & Generation
Expertise offered

Algopoly is currently forecasting the electricity demand of whole Turkey and has a market share of 25% working with retail and distribution companies. We build self-learning forecasting algorithms with our state of the art machine learning models. Currently we are focusing on wind and solar power forecasting.

Expertise key words
  • F1 Wind
  • F2 Solar
  • H2 Demand forecast
  • K2 Artificial Intelligence


Name: Selçuk Can Güven
Company: Algopoly
Type of Organisation: SME
Country: Turkey

Brief description of my Organisation

Algooply empowers energy companies by integrating data based decision making in their daily processes and helping them solve large scale forecasting problems.

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