CCUS, Bioenergy, Thermal Energy Storage, BECCS, Hydrogen from Biomass

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CCUS, Bioenergy, Thermal Energy Storage, BECCS, Hydrogen from Biomass
Expertise offered

Carbon Capture, Storage and Utilization (CCUS):
‐ Integration of CCUS with power/industrial sectors
‐ Mineralization based CCUS technology
‐ Negative carbon emission technologies such as Bioenergy with CCS (BECCS) and Direct Air Capture (DAC)
‐ Solid adsorbents in fluidized bed reactors
Industrial Decarbonization:
‐ Integration of Carbon Capture and Utilization for deep decarbonization
‐ Alternative low carbon energy fuels (Bioenergy, Hydrogen, ammonia)
‐ Improvement in process energy efficiency (Novel Heat Pumps; Waste Heat Recovery and Combined Heat & Power)
‐ Integration of thermal energy storag
Bioenergy Production and Utilization:
‐ Hydrogen production from biomass, industrial and agricultural wastes
‐ High value‐added carbon materials via carbonization and activation
‐ Advanced gasification/combustion technologies utilizing biomass

Expertise key words


Name: Wenbin Zhang
Company: Nottingham Trent University
Type of Organisation: University
Country: United Kingdom

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