Design Partner for AI based edge computing, Power electronics and 5G
Logiicdev, an Austrian-based high-tech SME company - experts, coordinating and supporting an EU and other funding projects.
we are looking for a collaborative project where we provide 3D nueral AI hardware-based optimisation, power electronics CHM, digital twin and 5G edge processing. I would appreciate a short call or mail us:
- F1 Wind
- F2 Solar
- F4 Biomass
- G1 Smart grid
- G2 Micro grid
- G3 Smart meters
- G6 Electronics & appliances
- J1 Batteries
- J2 Fueling/charging infrastructure
- K2 Artificial Intelligence
Name: DEEPAK VINOD KATKORIACompany: Logiicdev Gmbh
Type of Organisation: SME
Country: Austria
Telephone: +436764639222
Brief description of my Organisation
LogiicDev GmbH is a pioneering company specializing in power management, FPGA-based digital twin technology, and AI processing. Our comprehensive suite of services includes hardware design, software development, FPGA, Power and Wireless solutions.
- With a strong focus on innovation and quality, we empower businesses to optimize their operations and achieve their technological goals.