Enabling Energy, Circular Economy and Intelligent Transportation with Knowledge, Software, Custom Electronics

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Expertise Short Title
Enabling Energy, Circular Economy and Intelligent Transportation with Knowledge, Software, Custom Electronics
Expertise offered

FullStackEnergy.com (part of ResourceKraft Ltd) is a boutique technology development house focusing solely on the fields of energy, the circular economy and intelligent transportation. For 17 years we have worked with international customers to enable new business models and new products in these fields using a combination of consulting services, software development and custom hardware designs. We have developed technology to control some of Europes largest charge parks and created novel traffic management system to enhance safety. We have protected grids through demand response and ancillary services and battery dispatch, etc.

We are highly skilled in big data including visualisation, DER optimisation, use of ML and AI in energy, IoT, data security and much more.

Expertise key words
  • F2 Solar
  • F3 Geothermal
  • F4 Biomass
  • F7 Other
  • G2 Micro grid
  • G3 Smart meters
  • G5 Co-generation | CHP
  • G6 Electronics & appliances
  • G7 Smart sensors
  • H1 Demand Side Management
  • H2 Demand forecast
  • I1 Batteries
  • J2 Fueling/charging infrastructure
  • K1 IoT
  • K2 Artificial Intelligence
  • K3 Data storage


Name: Liam Relihan
Company: FullStackEnergy
Type of Organisation: SME
Country: Ireland {Republic}
Web: https://fullstackenergy.com
Telephone: +353 87 2375153

Brief description of my Organisation

We are a technology consulting company that focuses 100% on energy, the circular economy and intelligent transportation, and are part of ResourceKraft Ltd. We are based in Ireland but have a presence across Europe and South America.

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