IoT platform for enhanced data management
ELLIOT CLOUD is a platform as a service (PaaS) which connects and manages all sorts of IoT devices, allowing fast deployment of secure and scalable systems.
Proposed contribution to projects:
Elliot Cloud's fully operational IoT platform can be integrated within buildings and renewable energy facilities (mainly solar and wind) in different locations (plants, buildings, neighbourhood or district level), retrieving, analysing and storing data from different sources including data from the grid (flexibility needs, energy prices, etc.). We have developed many connectors so any kind of data source can be integrated into one single place, bringing interoperability to the system. We base our solution on open-source standards so we do not depend on any proprietary solution.
This platform can be enhanced by adding new data-based services depending on project needs.
Main areas of interest:
- Data Management
- Visualisation
- Artificial Intelligence
- Big Data
- F1 Wind
- F2 Solar
- G1 Smart grid
- G3 Smart meters
- G4 Zero carbon building
- G7 Smart sensors
- K1 IoT
- K2 Artificial Intelligence
- K3 Data storage
Name: Carmina BocanegraCompany: ELLIOT CLOUD
Type of Organisation: SME
Country: Spain
Brief description of my Organisation
Elliot Cloud is the first company founded as a spin-off from the Bosonit Group. Bosonit as a fast-growing IT consulting company has a strong policy of investing in its own products. But it was not until four years after the development of activities and initial pilots with clients that Elliot Cloud was established as an independent company to continue growing independently.
As an independent entity, Elliot Cloud was established in October 2020, although it brings together a maturity as an organization thanks to its development within the Bosonit group. It is currently physically located in various geographical locations. The development and operations team and the company's management are in La Rioja while the innovation team is located in Seville.
At a company level, the main business area is the provision of IT Consultancy services for major corporations in Spain, Europe and South America. Its main product, ELLIOT CLOUD platform, is a platform as a service (PaaS) which connects and manages all sorts of IoT devices, allowing fast deployment of secure and scalable systems.
The history of Elliot Cloud is already experimenting an exponential growth. Elliot Cloud has 50 employees already located across different cities all over Spain: Logroño (Headquarters), Bilbao, Jaén, Madrid, Pamplona, Seville, Malaga and Zaragoza. Elliot Cloud contributes and leads several innovation projects from regional and EU funds. From its roots, Elliot Cloud has invested part of their incomes in the development of products through innovation projects.