Looking for ESG Collabrations; Offering Big Data Access and Expertise in Automating the Buying and Selling of Digital Ad Inventories, Monetizing User Traffic, and Optimizing Income In Digital Marketing

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Looking for ESG Collabrations; Offering Big Data Access and Expertise in Automating the Buying and Selling of Digital Ad Inventories, Monetizing User Traffic, and Optimizing Income In Digital Marketing
Expertise offered

Triodor is an R&D Center located in Istanbul, Turkey and is part of Azerion, which is a fast-growing and leading pan-European digital gaming and adtech company that develops and operates a safe and reliable online social gaming and media platform that consists of almost 5,000 game portals, +400,000 publishers, +500 million active monthly users with 24 offices in 35 countries and offers solutions for automatizing the buying and selling of digital ad inventories, solutions for monetizing user traffic, income optimization in digital marketing, and services like improıving decision support systems.

Azerion is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and making a positive impact on the planet. As part of our efforts to achieve this goal, we are actively seeking partners to collaborate on innovative solutions that can help us reduce our carbon emissions. With access to vast amounts of data, we are confident that we can contribute to research and processing efforts that can benefit both the environment and our industry. The nature of our company’s role here is especially suited for pilots and being utilized as a testbed. We believe that by working together with like-minded partners, we can achieve our sustainability goals while continuing to grow our business and positively impacting the global community.

Expertise key words
  • F7 Other


Name: Esma Güneş Kaya
Company: Triodor Ar-Ge
Type of Organisation: SME
Country: Turkey

Brief description of my Organisation

Triodor is part of a gaming & digital advertising ecossytem that consists of almost 5,000 game portals, +400,000 publishers, +500 million active monthly users and 24 offices in 35 countries and offers solutions for automatizing the buying and selling of digital ad inventories, solutions for monetizing user traffic, income optimization in digital marketing, and services like improıving decision support systems.

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