Weather data and renewable energy forecasts

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Expertise Short Title
Weather data and renewable energy forecasts
Expertise offered

We can contribute in development of numerical, statistical and AI-based weather models, historical weather data, precise weather forecasts, climate projections/scenarios, development and operation of early warning systems for extreme weather events for plant resilience and power forecasts as well as potential analysis for wind-, solar- and hydro-power plants.

Expertise key words
  • F1 Wind
  • F2 Solar
  • I5 Other


Name: Claudia Benesch
Company: UBIMET GmbH
Type of Organisation: SME
Country: Austria
Telephone: +4312631122574

Brief description of my Organisation

Weather matters - UBIMET is an Austrian SME with HQ in Vienna and extensive experience in transnational R&D projects. As one of the leading weather data and service providers in Europe, UBIMET has become the international competence center for meteorology & severe weather alerts, offering its services on a global scale.

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