Heat-to-electricity energy conversion, Redox flow battery, Solar-thermal integrated water electrolysis

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Heat-to-electricity energy conversion, Redox flow battery, Solar-thermal integrated water electrolysis
Expertise offered

The Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Laboratory (EECS Lab) at Loughborough University is dedicated to flow-cell-based electrochemical energy storage and conversion system development.
The main fields of research include:
- Solar-rechargeable redox flow battery (SRFB)
- RFB with thermally-regenerative electrochemical cycle (TREC)
- Photoelectrochemical and PV-integrated water electrolysis
- Thermally-accelerated water electrolysis for the hydrogen production
- Lab-scale flow cell design & fabrication
- Solar thermal collector design for water electrolyser

Currently, our research is focused on both theoretical modelling and experimental verification that reveal the untapped potential of the electrochemical energy conversion and storage systems.

Expertise key words
  • F2 Solar
  • F7 Other
  • I1 Batteries
  • I3 Thermal storage


Name: Dowon Bae
Company: Loughborough University
Type of Organisation: University
Country: United Kingdom
Web: https://www.lboro.ac.uk/schools/meme/

Brief description of my Organisation

EECS Lab is a part of Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering at Loughborough University. As one of the largest engineering schools in the UK, we are leaders in technological research and innovation.

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